Hotel Amanjena


Marrakech, Marruecos

Hotel Amanjena  | Marrakech | Marrakech | Marruecos
Just twenty minutes from marrakech airport and ten minutes from the city centre, Amanjena rests with the high atlas mountains in the background and a championship
golf course in the foreground.

Offering 34 rose toned pavilions and 6 two storey maisons with private pools, it also boasts two restaurants, a library and a heated pool. A health centre is also available plus two tennis courts, mountain bikes and a boutique for the shopper.

All rooms offer king size beds, with marble bath tubs twin vanities and open fireplaces. Glass doors lead to an outside courtyard with your own private gazebo/minzah.


Route de Ouarzazate km 12, 40000 Marrakech, Marruecos
Hotel Amanjena
Conexión segura
